Our Body

The human body can renew itself with constant cell replacement operation and defend itself with its immune system.  The challenge is to give our body the right conditions to acconplish its job.

Our Mind

Our mind is the most powerful computer in the world.  What we need is to feed our mind commands, then it would execute.  And if we give our mind positive commands, we will get a positive result.

Our Being

It’s the belief to make us calm, being grateful with what we have on hand, and being thankful to life and others.  We are at peace.

You Are The Master and The Captain 

You are the Master of your Soul and the Captain of your Life.

The teacher comes to show the way, so that we would believe and take action to be better. However, we only look at the pointing finger, not the moon, and hear nothing.  We become followers not belivers and get lost.

The same with the physical body. You are the best doctor of your body, and supposed to listen to it in order to adjust accordingly. Doctors, dentists, pharmacists, chiropractors, nurses, health care practitioners, etc…are to work with you so you can understand your health condition and make the  right decision.  Remember it’s your body and your life.

First of all, breathing is the easiest way to protect your health, and the air is free.

The amount of air inhaled during a normal breathing (0.5 liter) equals a little above 10% of the maximum amount of air that can be moved in or out of the lungs in a single breath-in and breath-out cycle (from 3.1 to 4.8 litters for adults, depending on weight and height). We need to take deep breaths.

So what is the right way to breath?

Breathing is the easiest way to protect your health, and the air is free.

Suggestions:  For every hour, stand up, walk around (prefer outdoor), and take several deep breaths.

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