A Happy Family

A happy family begins with two individuals having the passion, feeling the connection, and making the commitment to each other for a long relationship.  It is not easy, but achievable.

The purpose is from the very first step on the marriage road map, through many ups and downs, we are always together.  This togetherness will help us to establish a happy family, based on love, with husband and wife, healthy and successful children and grandchildren.  And The Two are still hand in hand, enjoy each other to the end.  What a beautiful note of the song of our lives.  Do you have a Family Road Map?  It’s alright to start at any time.

Lesson From The Animal

Now a day, many of us living in modernized cities, with so many gadgets attached to our bodies that we forget about the nature.  Far away from the nature and relying too much on technology, our natural instinct falls to sleep, and we forget to respond accordingly.

Look at the new born puppies, they are always clinging to their mother, sleeping, eating, and playing around.  The mother licks them, feeds them, pushes them, carries them, smells them and breathes on them when it’s cold. 

The hen spreads her wings to cover her chicks whenever a hawk hovering above.

Touching and hugging create a lasting bonding that makes the relationship better.

If your family is not used to it yet. You need to initiate the hugging and saying you love them.  You will see their reponses are warmer, and next time they would open their arms to greet you.  Love is contagious, and it is good.

Touching and hugging create a lasting bonding that makes the relatioship better.

Suggestions:  Hug your wife and your kids saying you love them before leaving home, and doing the same as you are back. 

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